Typically, the restaurant will provide you with a flier with the date, location(s) and details and will give you a percentage of every bill/purchase accompanied by a flier on the scheduled day.
A Couple of Tips: A great advertising tip - create a pdf version of the flier and email it to everyone you know and encourage them to email it to everyone they know as well. You can also go around to neighboring businesses and ask to put fliers in their break-room. Schedule multiple days/events so you may reach as many people as possible - everyone is so busy these days! For example, set the 1st Wednesday of each month as "Applebee's Night!" Ask the manager if you can also set up a KEEN information table so people can register to become a volunteer or refer an athlete.
1900 K Street NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20006
KEENusa is a national, non-profit 501(c)3 organization with affiliates operating in
Chicago, Greater Washington DC, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and St. Louis
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